Even an indoor cat sometimes has to leave the comfort of their home. Whether it’s for vet visits, grooming appointments, or travel with their owners, finding the right carrier is the key to keeping a cat calm during these trips. If you’re on the hunt for a solution, Cat-in-the-Bag has an answer.
With our soft Cozy Comfort Carrier bag, we’ve designed a transportation method that’s safe and secure for your cat. From the materials to the construction, we’ve taken a thorough and thoughtful approach that ensures a superior fit and top-quality features. Years of research back up Cat-in-the-Bag’s cat carrier bag. Read on to discover whether it’s the right choice for you and your cat companion.
Soft vs. Hard Carriers
The main advantage of our soft carrier over other types of carriers is that it keeps your cat’s head free and open so he can look around. The cat doesn’t feel confined which promotes relaxation for timid cats. Our soft carriers also provide your cat with plenty of room to stretch and move — without actually allowing them to roam.
A Better Alternative to Cat Burritos
The soft cat carrier also secures your cat better than the burrito technique. The burrito technique is when you use a blanket or towel to swaddle and wrap your cat so you can medicate or groom. Our Cozy Comfort Carrier isn’t confining or difficult to maneuver like a burrito. This carrier was made to help ease timid cats.
It can provide a sense of safety for dental visits and vet visits. This carrier has two Velcro front paw ports and a zippered bottom for easier nail-trimming sessions. It’s so much better than a complicated and unsecure cat burrito!
Cat Fabric Preferences
Cats run a little warmer than humans, so breathable fabric is always a better choice than hard materials when you’re trying to keep them cozy and comfortable. Our cat carrier is made of 100% breathable cotton. Our cotton fabric balances strength and comfort while also maintaining your cat’s body temperature.
Avoiding Accidents with Acci-Don’ts
Cozy Comfort Carrier is a softer material with a design that may help ease your timid cat’s fear. But, sometimes accidents happen and your cat may still feel the urge to urinate while they’re inside it. To mitigate any accidents and keep your cat clean and comfortable, we recommend lining the carrier with one of our disposable cat carrier liners.
These liners are super absorbent. A properly placed liner can protect your cat, your clothes, and your car from accidents.
Staying Close to You
You may be their main source of comfort, so you don’t want to build a barrier between yourself and your cat — especially when they’re scared. Unfortunately, a hard carrier may do just that. Instead of locking them away in a hard, cold, carrier, our carrier bags provide you with a tool to ensure they can see and feel you, and can be near you.
The Cozy Comfort Carrier is made with a heads-out design. With their head free, turning to look at you is no problem. Our bags even come with a long padded shoulder strap, so they can cuddle against you as you carry them around. Instead of a hard barrier that prevents your cat from turning to you for support, you can be close to them and strengthen your bond, which make vet visits and nail-trimming sessions a little easier.
When it comes to a hard carrier, many cats huddle and hide. They claw at plastic carrier bottoms and walls in an attempt to find a place to shield themselves.
Our carrier bag was designed to promote a sense of freedom and comfort. It’s hard for your cat to claw against the sides of the bag because it’s not rigid like a crate. Our fabric is scratch- and snag-resistant. The cotton fabric is tightly woven, and although comfortable, it’s thick and durable.
Try Out A New Kind of Carrier
With all the benefits of the Cozy Comfort Carrier, choosing the right carrier for your cat is easy. Test Cat-in-the-Bag’s unique cat carrier today to discover a better alternative to hard carriers and cat backpacks.